Attorney general says schools do not have to accommodate transgender pupils

NewsUKUK PoliticsAttorney general says schools do not have to accommodate transgender pupils

Suella Braverman criticised schools for their ‘unquestioning approach’ to transgender pupils

Holly BancroftSaturday 28 May 2022 00:08Comments Article bookmarked

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Attorney General Suella Braverman said schools don’t have to accommodate transgender pupils


Schools do not have to accommodate transgender pupils by addressing them by their prefered pronouns or allowing them to use gender-appropriate toilets, the attorney general has said.

In an interview with The Times, cabinet minister Suella Braverman said that schools are under no legal obligation to allow transgender children to wear their prefered school uniform.

She also criticised schools for their “unquestioning approach” to gender reassignment, saying they should take a “much firmer line” when it came to making provisions for transgender students.

Ms Braverman also hailed Harry Potter author J K Rowling as her “heroine”, calling her “very brave, very courageous.”

Ms Braverman told The Times that, because under-18s can’t legally change gender, schools are entitled to continue to treat transgender children by the gender of their birth.


“A male child who says in a school that they are a trans girl, that they want to be female, is legally still a boy or a male. And schools have a right to treat them as such under the law. They don’t have to say OK, we’re going to let you change your pronoun or let you wear a skirt or call yourself a girl’s name,” she said.

Ms Braverman said that same should apply to nonbinary children. She also said that girls’ toilets are protected spaces under the equalities act and schools should not allow transchildren to use them.

Currently only people who are 18 or over can apply for a gender recognition certificate, which legally recognises your change of gender.

The applicant also has to have lived as a transwoman or man for at least two years before applying.

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Attorney General Suella Braverman said schools don’t have to accommodate transgender pupils


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