Eleven Ways to Shine Online

It was a Friday evening when I saw a little ad on the bottom of my screen looking for online English instructors. I was in my second year of teaching on-ground at a local high school at the time, but I clicked on it and landed my first online position at ITT Technical Institute. I loved it and dreamed I could do it full-time one day—that was 22 years ago. I did my fair share of adjunct teaching before I landed a full-time position, which I’ve held for nearly a decade. In my 22 years of teaching online, I continue to learn new things about what it takes to thrive in the field.  

1. Have a Unique Presence

If your picture or name was not attached to your online course, would your close colleagues be able to tell it was your classroom? If not, work on making your courses a place where your personality shines through your discussions, announcements, feedback, and daily interactions. Even if it’s just one thing, it can make you stand out and allow your students to remember you positively and even decades later. I use TikTok videos in my announcements to motivate students and in my discussions to add depth, and my students love it. I’m also highly spiritual, and students pick up on this right away through the questions I pose to them in our discussions, through the quotes I share, and through my interactions with them. 

2. Be Real

Frank Kafka once said, “I was ashamed of myself when I realized life was a costume party, and I attended with my real face.” In a world that yearns for validation, often for things they are not, strive to be real. There is no shame in that. Your students will find the authenticity refreshing and see the classroom as a safe place to be themselves. When students receive you better, they are more likely to listen, communicate, inquire, and achieve.   

3. Be in a Good Mood

Voltaire once said, “The most important decision you can make is to be in a good mood.” Creating a positive connection with students goes beyond just a strong first impression—it requires consistent pleasant interactions. If you have a rough day, approach the next one with a fresh, positive mindset. Even small gestures, like offering words of encouragement or simply asking how they’re doing, can have a meaningful impact on students, even if they seem unnoticed. 

4. Start a Group Chat

Students want to feel like they belong. While social media has given the illusion that we are more connected, Americans face a loneliness epidemic (“America’s Loneliness Epidemic”). Giving students a space where they have a seat at the table will make them appreciate you and lead to stronger connections among everyone in the group. I like to share tips and tricks, resources, and other information that can benefit them. It’s a place where students can ask questions, share insights, and anything else they feel like sharing. This has made my courses more memorable and students often thank me for the opportunity.   

5. Get to Know Your Dean

Regular one-on-ones with your dean will make you feel like you have the support you need to keep moving forward. I always look forward to the time I spend with my dean discussing ideas and getting her opinion on issues I’m facing in my classroom. Don’t underestimate how your dean can make you a better instructor.   

6. Validate Feelings

Try to remember what it was like to be a student with questions or concerns. Students often have trepidation when it comes to approaching you. Be approachable and accessible so they have a chance to share their thoughts. While you may not agree with everything they are saying, they will appreciate that you validated their feelings. 

7. Be Kind

Think of your favorite professor from your college days, the best doctor you ever had, or even a restaurant server whom you love to see. They all have one thing that makes us remember them fondly: Kindness. Strive to create a warm and welcoming environment that students can’t wait to be a part of and engage in. If maintaining a polite and pleasant tone feels challenging, consider using AI to help refine your language. Over time, it will become more natural, and the positive atmosphere it fosters will make it something you genuinely enjoy. 

8. Accept the Present Moment

Spiritual teacher, Eckhart Tolle once said, “Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it. Make it your friend and ally, not your enemy.”  No matter how meticulously we plan, not everything will go as planned. What’s important is embracing reality and making the best of the situation. Whether it be a student arguing about a grade or new requirements put on faculty, avoid getting frustrated and find the silver lining in every situation. It may be a blessing you will look back on with a smile.  

9. Use PTO

How many times have people said after a good vacation that they are ready to get back to work? The rest and relaxation will make you feel like a new person with a kinder and more generous attitude. Take time to unplug, and if you can’t, weave in activities that bring you joy into your weekly schedule.  

10. Move Your Body

Move your body—walk, lift, run—anything to clear your mind. To stay fully present with your students each day and prevent burnout, prioritize your own well-being first. Find a movement that works for you and get consistent with it. The consistency of that will help you be more consistent with other good habits.  

11. Remember Why

Years and decades of teaching will make you forget the “why” question. We often tell our students to think of why they embarked on the journey of higher education to help them excel and find higher levels of satisfaction, but we don’t often give this question serious consideration ourselves. The answer can bring us closer to loving what we do in the classroom. 

What would you add to the list?

Dr. Noura Badawi has been teaching online for 22 years.  


America’s loneliness epidemic: What is to be done? Weill Cornell Medicine. (2024, April 4).

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Originally posted on: https://s39613.pcdn.co/articles/online-education/online-course-delivery-and-instruction/eleven-ways-to-shine-online/