Mother furious as school put daughter in detention ‘because her iPad only had 93% charge’

NewsEducationEducation NewsMother furious as school put daughter in detention ‘because her iPad only had 93% charge’

‘I’m flummoxed,’ parent tells social media

Zoe TidmanFriday 01 July 2022 16:51Comments Article bookmarked

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Don't show me this message again✕ <p>A mother has been left ‘flummoxed’ after her daughter was allegedly given a detention over an iPad having 93% charge</p>

A mother has been left ‘flummoxed’ after her daughter was allegedly given a detention over an iPad having 93% charge

(Getty Images/iStockphoto)

A mother has shared her frustration after her daughter was reportedly put in detention because her iPad had 93 per cent charge.

The parent said she was “flummoxed” by the decision and asked others on social media if they had heard of “such nonesense”.

She claimed her daughter had gotten into trouble because her iPad was at 93 per cent when she arrived at her school.

“The assistant head, who I’ve since emailed, has set the expectation that iPads be no lower than 97 per cent or pupils will be punished,” the mother, who goes by the name of Selina on Twitter, posted.

She added: “I’m flummoxed.”


The Independent has approached the parent, who did not share the name of the school on social media.

Headteachers have previously spoken out against “zero-tolerance” approaches to behaviour in school, calling them “inhumane” and “draconian”.

Former education secretary, Gavin Williamson, urged schools to crackdown on poor behaviour last year as pupils got back into the swing of things after the Covid pandemic.

But many have been left confused over why a pupil was allegedly given a detention for an iPad having more than 90 per cent charge.

Social media users called such a move “insane”, “outrageous” and an “utter joke”.

The mother said she had emailed the school, saying her daughter’s iPad being at 93 per cent charge caused “no issues” to her learning and the device lasted for the entire day.


“I do not want to be one of those parents who questions a school and their behaviour policy but I am struggling to understand the reasoning for such an archaic punishment when technically she has done nothing wrong here,” her message said.

She also shared a response from the school, which said senior leadership had told pupils to expect detentions for iPads with under 97 per cent charge.

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Comments {"currentIndex":0}1/1School ‘put pupil in detention ‘because of iPad only had 93% charge’ School ‘put pupil in detention ‘because of iPad only had 93% charge’

A mother has been left ‘flummoxed’ after her daughter was allegedly given a detention over an iPad having 93% charge

Getty Images/iStockphoto

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