This week in 5 numbers: Trump bans transgender students from women’s sports

From an order threatening colleges’ federal funding to a shortfall in the Pell Grant program, here are figures from our latest stories.
Published Feb. 7, 2025

From an executive order that requires colleges to ban transgender women from gender-aligning sports teams to a multi-billion shortfall in the Pell Grant program, here are the top-line figures from some of our biggest stories of the week.
By the numbers 100% The portion of federal funding to colleges, K-12 schools and other education programs could lose if they allow transgender girls and women to participate on sports teams aligning with their gender identity. The new policy stems from an executive order President Donald Trump signed Wednesday. 42 The number of pages in a lawsuit seeking to block Trump’s executive orders targeting diversity, equity and inclusion activities, including those in higher education. The complaint — filed by the American Association of University Professors and the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education — described Trump’s orders as overly vague, an overstep of presidential authority, and a threat to free speech. $2.7 billion The projected deficit of the federal Pell Grant program at the end of fiscal year 2025, according to a January report from the Congressional Budget Office. One nonprofit warned the shortfall could lead to program cuts in fiscal 2026 on par with those seen during the Great Recession. 4.3% The rise in state funding for higher ed in fiscal 2025 before inflation, according to early data from the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association’s annual Grapevine report. In all, 41 states increased their higher funding or held it flat, while nine cut it back. 3 The number of military colleges under control of the U.S. Department of Defense. Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth ordered the trio to nix all race-, ethnicity- or sex-based admissions goals and DEI efforts, and required them to teach that “America and its founding documents remain the most powerful force for good in human history.” waitToLoadAds.push(function() { googletag.cmd.push(function() { if (window.dfp_visibility == 'mobile' ) { googletag.display('dfp-hybrid1-mobile'); googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', function (event) { var adUnitPath = '/21662595662/highereddive/highereddivehybrid1'; var onProformative = false; if (onProformative && event.slot.getAdUnitPath() === adUnitPath && !event.isEmpty ) { var adUnitPathWithVisibility = adUnitPath + '-mobile'; var selector = '.pf-comments__ad-wrapper [data-container-ad-unit-id="' + adUnitPathWithVisibility + '"]'; if (!$(selector).closest('.pf-comments__ad-wrapper').hasClass('borders')) { $(selector).closest('.pf-comments__ad-wrapper').addClass('borders') } } }); } }); }); waitToLoadAds.push(function() { googletag.cmd.push(function() { if (window.dfp_visibility == 'desktop' ) { googletag.display('dfp-hybrid2-desktop'); googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', function (event) { var adUnitPath = '/21662595662/highereddive/highereddivehybrid2'; var onProformative = false; if (onProformative && event.slot.getAdUnitPath() === adUnitPath && !event.isEmpty ) { var adUnitPathWithVisibility = adUnitPath + '-desktop'; var selector = '.pf-comments__ad-wrapper [data-container-ad-unit-id="' + adUnitPathWithVisibility + '"]'; if (!$(selector).closest('.pf-comments__ad-wrapper').hasClass('borders')) { $(selector).closest('.pf-comments__ad-wrapper').addClass('borders') } } }); } }); }); Higher Ed Dive news delivered to your inboxGet the free daily newsletter read by industry experts
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Originally posted on: https://www.highereddive.com/news/this-week-5-numbers-trump-bans-transgender-students-womens-sports/739503/